3. An agency may, by by-law, determine the cases where a person who, for recreational purposes, enters or stays in a ZEC under its management or engages in any other activity therein, shall be required to register.
That person shall comply with the following registration procedure:(1) identify himself or herself with the person’s name and address, an identification number and, where applicable, the number of the person’s fishing licence;
(2) specify a date and a single location or, as the case may be, a single sector in which the person will be fishing, for each day of fishing;
(3) specify a date and a location or, as the case may be, a sector in which the person will carry on a recreational activity that is part of a development plan approved by the Minister in accordance with section 106.0.1 of the Act for each day on which the activity will be carried on;
(4) place a proof of registration on the dashboard of the person’s vehicle so that it may be read from the outside or carry and produce it upon request from a wildlife protection officer, a wildlife protection assistant or an area warden; the duly completed registration is to be deposited at the reception centre on leaving the controlled zone;
(5) pay the fees payable.
When a person fishes in more than one open access sector during the same day, the amount of the required fees may not exceed the maximum amount prescribed by subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 15.
A person who fishes in a limited access sector or open access sector may, on the day of that activity, change the chosen fishing sector in order to fish in another limited access fishing sector, if there are still vacancies and the person pays the required fees to fish in the newly chosen sector.
O.C. 1255-99, s. 3; O.C. 810-2005, s. 1; O.C. 564-2014, s. 1.